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iSWAB Microbiome-EL (Extraction-Less).

iSWAB Microbiome-EL (Extraction-Less).

What It's Used For


During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, viral testing became the most effective tool to help bring outbreaks and surges under control. However, with new COVID variants on the rise and ongoing supply chain shortage for viral extraction reagents, Mawi DNA directed their focus to develop a technology that would decrease processing time for COVID testing.

Mawi DNA Technologies has developed a modified “extraction-less” version of the iSWAB technology. The ISWAB-Microbiome-EL is designed to eliminate the RNA extraction step in the COVID-19 Molecular testing workflow, allowing researchers to perform direct RT-PCR on individual and pooled samples.

iSWAB- Microbiome-EL is compatible with both nasal and saliva collection, inactivates SARS-CoV-2 for safe collection and storage iSWAB-Microbiome-EL, and has been specifically designed to eliminate the RNA extraction step in the COVID-19 testing workflow; allowing researchers to perform direct RT-PCR on individual and pooled samples.

The iSWAB-Microbiome (MB) is a non-toxic stabilizing technology that enables the inactivation of bacteria, fungi, spores, and viruses, allows ambient collection and transport of various biosamples, and maintains the status quo at the time of collection. iSWAB-MB-EL is compatible and can stabilize both nasal swabs and saliva samples, and these samples can be used directly in PCR reactions without any prior major (RNA extraction) or minor (heating or/and Proteinase K treatment) sample processing and successfully detect SARS-CoV-2 without any observed PCR inhibition. 


iSWAB Microbiome-EL (Extraction-Less) Literature


MB-EL Data Sheet
MB-EL Nasal Collection Protocol
MB-EL Oral Collection Protocol 


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